When choosing a new countertop for your kitchen, there are many factors that can go into play. You may consider its durability and heat resistance as well as the more aesthetic attributes like color and pattern before making your decision. There are many natural stone choices that will make your kitchen pop, but what about limestone? In this blog, we will be discussing the pros and cons of this natural stone as well as the maintenance and upkeep required for limestone countertops.

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Advantages of Limestone Countertops

  • Limestone typically comes in neutral colors which means it can help provide a more natural look to your space. Some of the color variations include pure white, off white, ivory, beige, brown, gray, red, and yellow.
  • Like other natural stones, limestone has unique fossilization patterns that vary from stone to stone. The various textures, sizes, and colors can add a luxurious look and warmth to your space.
  • Limestone has a classic, timeless appearance that will allow it to blend with different décor and design styles. If you want a stone surface that will never go out of style and will fit in now and 60 years down the road, limestone may be a good choice.
  • In addition to its timeless elegance, limestone generally has a long lifespan when properly cared for. This natural stone is so durable that many iconic and historical landmarks made using limestone are still standing today, including the Lincoln Memorial, Great Pyramid of Giza, and the Parthenon.
  • Limestone has a smooth granular surface and can be polished; however, it will not be as shiny as marble or granite.
  • Limestone is heat-resistant which means your countertop will not be damaged if you place a hot pan or dish directly on the countertop.
  • The final benefit for limestone countertops is that they’re cheaper than other stones like granite or marble. Limestone has become a more popular choice due to its beauty, durability, and price point.

Disadvantages of Limestone Countertops

  • Compared to other stones, limestone does require a bit more maintenance and upkeep.
  • Since limestone is a soft and porous stone which means it can scratch and stain if not cared for properly.
  • It is also very sensitive and can be damaged by acids.

Limestone’s unique colors and patterns can add a luxurious feel to your space.

Care and Maintenance

While limestone is an attractive, durable, and heat-resistant choice for your kitchen countertops, it does require significant upkeep. Let’s discuss how to properly care for your limestone countertops to ensure they stay beautiful.


Limestone is more porous than stone and usually light in color which means it can be easily stained. You should have your countertops professionally sealed upon installation as well as annually to prevent staining. No sealer is 100% effective at preventing stains but choosing a water-based sealant may offer the best protection. You can use a cleaning spray with sealing properties weekly or monthly for added protection.


Limestone countertops cannot be cleaned with traditional household and kitchen cleaners. We suggest using a cleaner designed specifically for limestone countertops with a neutral pH or a mixture of warm water and mild detergent. When wiping your countertops, choose a soft rag or washcloth to prevent scratches.


If you find small scratches on your countertops, you can lightly buff them using fine steel wool or a small amount of polishing compound. You can avoid scratches by using cutting boards when using knives and by placing your dishes and utensils on placemats.

Stains and Discoloration

To prevent staining and discoloration on your limestone countertops, wipe up all spills immediately. You can treat stains by mixing 1 cup of flour with 2 to 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to make a poultice. If you do not have these ingredients on hand, a store-bought poultice will work as well.

Limestone countertops are a very sophisticated and luxurious-looking natural stone. With numerous color and texture options, limestone could be a suitable choice for any area of your home. The lengthy list of advantages could outweigh the maintenance required for the right person. If you’re looking to install a limestone countertop in your home, the ZStone Creations team is available to discuss options with you.

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